Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Wonder at the Wonders!

“I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, "This is what it is to be happy.” - The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath.

We live in a beautiful world.

So many things in this world are uncertain - who created it, how it was formed, how life evolved...

But one thing we know for sure - this is a beautiful world!

There are flowers and fragrances, there are buds and blossoms. There are waterfalls and valleys, there are the skies and the seas. There are stunning rainbows and vibrant rain-forests. There are sheer cliffs and rugged mountains. There are vast deserts and giant icebergs. There are ethereal sunsets and and twinkling stars. There are green meadows and winding rivers. There are fluffy clouds and tumultuous thunderstorms. There are ancient fossils buried deep, and soaring birds high in the sky. There are beautiful peacocks and mighty lions. There are terrible predators and gentle prey. There are millions of unique and different life forms on this planet.

And then there's us, who live in blissful ignorance of Earth's beauty.

We have one lifetime on this planet. Isn't it a shame to waste that one lifetime blind to everything around us? Isn't it a shame to be so caught up in the shallow ways of the world, that you close your eyes to its wonders?

So open your eyes. Go and live. Take your time to caress a blooming bud. Take your time to gaze upon the azure forget-me-nots along a road. Take your time to watch a lone ant threading its path through the labyrinthine paths of the ground. Take your time to sit on a hammock in the breeze and just relax. Take your time to watch the sun rising above the horizon, ever so slowly. Take your time to ponder over the depth of the oceans and the vastness of the skies. Take your time to appreciate the spectacles around you.

Wonder, marvel and live in captivated joy, every moment of your life!

Who knows, in your next life you might be a mayfly with a lifespan of just a day! So enjoy your life while you can!

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