I know there are around ten thousand or so reasons why Harry Potter is popular, entertaining and engrossing, but here I will state the reasons I think are the best!
Now to come to the more important points!
- Interesting Plot - Harry Potter was the most popular children’s fiction for ever so long, and I still rate it the best novel I have read, and most of the credit goes to the plot. It is imaginative and well thought-out. Sometimes, you have to think a little to sort a few thing out in your head and sometimes, you can’t wait for the next twist in the story!
- Perfect Language - Not too simple, not too complex! That’s the language J.K. Rowling uses, and it appeals to children of all ages very much. Reading the books is simply a pleasure, what with the philosophical quotes, laugh-till-you-burst jokes and vivid descriptions!
- Theme - The story revolves around a young hero who has had a hard life. As we follow his adventures, he learns the most important lessons of life - that friendship matters beyond anything else, courage and determination will take you anywhere, and the most important of all - love conquers all. The lessons it contains are not pushed down your throat, but you definitely know they’re there, and it does change you in a way, reading this series...
- Characters - Over the course of the story, the characters grow into so much more than they were at first. Unexpected sides are revealed, as with Neville. Unexpected people make a mark on your heart, like Luna. And unexpected twists make you rethink everything you ever thought about a character ( you know and I know whom I’m talking about ).
Now to come to the more important points!
- Hermione Granger - I think Harry Potter is one of the very few books that has a female main character whose only job is not just to look beautiful and agree with everything everyone else says (I’m not going to pretend I didn’t just take a dig at Twilight!!)
- Love - the most powerful magic - Harry Potter is also one of the very few series where love is not the mushy teen romance stuff, but actual love. Love for life, love for friends, love for your own, love for the world in general.
- There’s Fred and George - You do not just put down a book that involves characters like Fred and George, who can keep you laughing for days together!
- People all over the world read it - Everyone has heard of Harry Potter. Find me a single teenager who has never heard of the book, and… we all know no such person exists. And yes, Harry Potter has such a large readership over the world, it is taken for granted that it is one of the most popular children’s books, which implies it’s awesome!
You are amazing. I totally agree with you.. :)