Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Wormtail - A Gryffindor?

"Seriously? Peter Pettigrew was in Gryffindor? He should have been a Slytherin, he was seriously a coward. And he was never loyal to his friends! He got his best friend killed and threw the blame on another of his best friends! I just hate him and I think he should have been a squib!"
I know many people of this opinion, and I admit, I myself never saw why Peter Pettigrew was a Gryffindor, when he was clearly a coward, and was anything but loyal to his friends.
But the Sorting Hat is never wrong. So there must have been reasons for him being put in the scarlet house.
Of course, he was afraid that Sirius would find him and kill him, after Voldemort was gone. But then, any wizard who knew how single-minded and talented Sirius Black was, would have been afraid.
And whatever may be the reasons, it did take courage to seek out Voldemort, and bring him back to life. Pettigrew must have known that there was a possibility of Voldemort killing him on the spot, as he often did when he was in a murderous rage. Also, Wormtail was loyal to Voldemort throughout. Even when he saw that his Dark Lord was a tiny baby, capable of almost no harm, he did not desert him, but helped him regain his previous glory. And he did have a slight sense of honor, for he did not kill Harry and Ron when he could have. Instead, he hesitated, remembering the time when Harry had spared his life and this act finally cost him his life.
So maybe the Hat was not mistaken after all. Wormtail was a Gryffindor. Only, he was one who chose the the wrong side.


  1. i so agree. he had gryffindor qualities in him, but it just went wrong later...and that was because along with gryffindor qualities, he had a flaw of wanting to be around those in power...but everyone has a flaw.

  2. Also, Slytherin's aren't cowards, they're ambitious. Peter wasn't really any of these things, I agree he showed bravery when he died, but he was also a Gryffindor because he valued bravery.
